How to Conduct a Burial ServiceHow to Conduct a Burial Service

What is a burial service?

A burial is the act of placing a body into the ground. While burial arrangements vary from culture to culture and family preference, there are some standards in burials today. The deceased typically lays in an open casket during visitation hours which takes place before the service at the funeral home or other locations such as the church, synagogue or mosque. State and local laws may require an open casket to be viewable by all who attend the service. After visitation hours, the casket is closed and then it is moved into the hearse for transportation to a funeral home or cemetery chapel where another viewing takes place before burial in a private cemetery plot. The headstone or grave marker is placed at a later date once the ground has settled and all permits have been issued.

Who typically makes the burial arrangements?

Typically, it is up to the surviving spouse (if there is one) whether he/she wants to handle the burial arrangements themselves or hire a funeral service professional to handle all the details. If there are no immediate family members to make burial decisions, then it is up to the next of kin or estate executor(s) to decide on the final arrangements.

Who typically pays for a burial?

Typically, in our modern society, when people pass away they have pre-arrangements in place which helps to reduce the expenses related to funeral services. If a person passes away without pre-arrangements, then it is up to the survivors to decide whether they want an expensive casket, viewing and service or if they would prefer something more economical in order for them to save money. This decision can be made by surviving spouse, adult children, parents, siblings or other relatives. In some cases, a family may choose to have a public service in order to help defray the burial expenses incurred during this time of grief and sadness. Also, if there is no one to help with the costs associated with burial arrangements then it is possible that a county or state agency may step in to help with burial costs.

How long does it take before a body can be buried?

A body must be embalmed , which is the process of preserving the remains, typically within 24-48 hours after death. This helps to provide comfort for family members who want to greet the deceased before they are laid to rest. Once a body is embalmed, then it can be stored indefinitely in a climate-controlled resting place until the funeral service takes place.

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